Position Underscores Importance and Benefits of the Outdoor Recreation Economy

Outdoor Recreation Roundtable applauded the hire of Pennsylvania’s new Director of Outdoor Recreation, Nathan Reigner, today at an event highlighting the new position and outdoor recreation’s importance to the state. Outdoor recreation generates $11.8 billion for the Keystone State’s economy, is 1.5 percent of its GDP and creates 146,000 jobs. The new Director of Outdoor Recreation will work to leverage Pennsylvania’s myriad outdoor recreation assets with all the various outdoor recreation stakeholder groups from anglers and hunters to hikers and mountain bikers, local communities and more to continue to build and improve the state’s outdoor recreation economy.

ORR’s President, Jessica Turner lauded the position and Mr. Reigner saying, “The appointment of Nathan Reigner is a huge step forward for outdoor recreation in Pennsylvania. His leadership will be invaluable to growing the outdoor recreation economy in the state, as well as supporting rural economies and increasing access for all residents and visitors.”

“Outdoor recreation is a central part of our lives, our communities, and our economy here in Pennsylvania,” said Director Reigner. “It contributes to our physical and mental health, our state’s gross domestic product, the vibrance of our towns and cities, and conservation of our lands, waters, and wildlife. As Pennsylvania’s first Director of Outdoor Recreation, I will work collaboratively with our state’s entire outdoor recreation sector, including businesses, non-profits, and government to expand and ensure the benefits of outdoor recreation for all Pennsylvanians as individuals, communities, and a commonwealth as a whole.”

ORR is helping states across the country build their outdoor recreation economies by promoting the vital role offices of outdoor recreation can play in enhancing state and local economies. Pennsylvania is now the 19th state to either create an Office of Outdoor Recreation, Director of Outdoor Recreation or initiate a task force to recommend an office.