WASHINGTON, D.C. – Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, the nation’s leading outdoor recreation coalition, released the following statement on the Biden administration’s ‘Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful’ report.

“The bottom line is that access to healthier public lands and waters means more opportunities for Americans to recreate outside and for communities’ economies to thrive,” said Jessica Turner, executive director of Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. “ORR supports the administration’s ‘Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful’ effort and we are encouraged by its goals to conserve and protect our nation’s lands and waters through science-based, locally led efforts that create access to motorized, non-motorized, fishing and hunting recreation opportunities for all. We are also particularly pleased that this report prioritizes recreation access that already exists, while recognizing that access needs to be maintained sustainably in the future as places are conserved.”

Turner continued, “We believe sustainable management of our great outdoors is paramount for us to address climate change while further bolstering the outdoor recreation economy. We also appreciate the report’s acknowledgment of the connection between healthy places, healthy communities and jobs. We plan to work with the administration on the implementation of ‘America the Beautiful’ and to have outdoor recreation representatives advise in this effort. Together, we can continue to build on Americans’ love for the outdoors and outdoor recreation for generations to come.”

Glenn Hughes, president of the American Sportfishing Association added, “The 30 by 30 initiative has generated a lot of attention within the recreational fishing community. We are pleased that the Biden Administration is approaching 30 by 30 with an understanding of the significant cultural, economic and conservation benefits that recreational fishing provides the nation, and emphasizes the value of increasing access for outdoor recreation.”

“As a community dependent on clean water, healthy fisheries, and reasonable and responsible access to our natural resources, implementing this plan will put us on a trajectory toward maintaining and advancing these conservation objectives,” said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association. “We appreciate the administration’s balanced approach to 30 by 30, and on behalf of the uniquely American-made recreational boating industry, NMMA strongly supports this collaborative effort.”

“The conservation of more of our public lands means more places for RVers to visit for generations to come,” said Jay Landers, vice president of government affairs at the RV Industry Association. “We applaud the 30 by 30 efforts and look forward to working with the Biden Administration to ensure these efforts include balanced land use and increased access to recreation activities.”

Earlier this year ORR developed a set of recommendations for the Biden administration as it developed its 30 by 30 goals and actions. Those recommendations are available here.