BREAKING: EXPLORE Act becomes law!

On January 5, 2025, President Biden signed the EXPLORE Act into law following the unanimous passage of the bill in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. ORR thanks its members, many bipartisan leaders within Congress, and supporters in the outdoor recreation and conservation communities for their efforts to make this historic accomplishment possible.

Jessica Wahl Turner, President of Outdoor Recreation Roundtable (ORR): “The EXPLORE Act will supercharge the outdoor recreation industry. This transformative new law will help ensure every American has access to world-class outdoor experiences–from their backyards to the backcountry–while supporting the businesses, workers, and communities who make those experiences possible.   

“The EXPLORE Act is the result of the hard work of so many, including sponsors Chairman Joe Manchin, Ranking Member John Barrasso, Chairman Bruce Westerman, and Ranking Member Raúl Grijalva, and many Senators and Representatives whose bills are included in the package, communities across the nation, outdoor recreation businesses, local and state elected leaders and stakeholders over many years. We are thankful to the President, our congressional champions and their staff, and all who helped pass this crucial legislation into law and are proud to celebrate this moment with the nation and our ORR members who really led the way.  

“With the EXPLORE Act now law, ORR looks forward to working with the new administration, Congress, state governments, Tribes, and local communities to support a cornerstone of our economy, public health, and quality of life, and all who rely on it. We are ready to get to work on implementation and enhancing access to the outdoors, modernizing recreation policies, and driving economic growth across the nation.” 


The Recreation Package (America’s Outdoor Recreation Act in the Senate and Expanding Public Lands Outdoor Recreation Experiences Act in the House) is a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive legislative package that combines several bipartisan and bicameral bills the outdoor recreation industry has long supported including the Simplifying Outdoor Access for Recreation (SOAR) Act, the Outdoor Recreation Act, the Recreation Not Red Tape Act, and other pragmatic pieces of outdoor recreation legislation. These bills serve as reminders of how the outdoors brings people together from both sides of the aisle.

This commonsense legislation would appropriately meet the growing demand for access to the outdoors while also protecting public lands and waters for future use by improving experiences and access for all, advancing conservation efforts, mitigating the impacts of increasing visitation, and continuing to grow the outdoor recreation economy. This transformative legislation would be a win-win for businesses, conservation, and Democrats and Republicans alike, while supporting rural economies, communities, and our American quality of life.


  • Breaks down government silos to address pressing recreation challenges and opportunities
  • Expands parking at highly-visited destinations
  • Unifies and makes data collection consistent
  • Allows for selling passes and collecting fees online
  • Modernizes film and photo permitting
  • Creates more transparency in processes
  • Provides flexibility in cross-agency outings
  • Updates infrastructure
  • Improves resources for hunters and anglers
  • Supports youth and veterans
  • Builds sustainable local economies


  • Allow for unplanned recreation that could harm natural resources
  • Cost taxpayers more money
  • Contribute to the degradation of resources at high-impact sites
  • Amend the Wilderness Act or any other conservation law
  • Cut off access for any user group