We work on society’s pressing issues through access to the outdoors and building the $1.2 trillion dollar outdoor recreation economy

Outdoor recreation is a solution tool.

$1.2 TRILLION The U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis calculates the economic output of outdoor recreation to be $1.2 trillion, surpassing industries such as mining, utilities, farming and ranching, and chemical products manufacturing. 5 MILLION Outdoor recreation generates millions of quality, high-paying jobs in the United States across a wide variety of industries. 2.3 PERCENT Outdoor recreation accounts for 2.3 percent of U.S. GDP. 3.1 PERCENT Outdoor recreation accounts for 3.1 percent of all U.S. employees. 1.25x FASTER Grew faster than the U.S. economy as a whole 2022-2023 Annual Gross Economic OutputOutdoor Recreation Helps EmploymentOutdoor Recreation as Part of GDPPercentage of Employees that Work in Outdoor RecreationGrowth Compared to the U.S. Economy Overall


  • Ensure recognition of our sector’s contributions as the cornerstone of healthy, resilient and sustainable economies and communities
  • Act on the most pressing issues facing the future of outdoor recreation for the benefit of our economy, communities, health and the environment
  • Guarantee quality access and conservation for the sustainable future of the recreation industry
  • Foster infrastructure innovation and modernization to support a 21st century economy


  • Convene: Bringing industry, government and other stakeholders together to identify solutions and solve problems
  • Curate: Gathering the best data and information, filling the research gaps
  • Educate: Sharing information with stakeholders, elected and appointed officials, partners and allies, and media
  • Advocate: 501(c)(6), the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable Association (ORRA)

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