In 2022, the Biden Administration renewed the Federal Interagency Council on Outdoor Recreation (FICOR), a major win for the outdoor recreation sector. ORR had been advocating for this convening body’s solidification since the beginning of the administration and was instrumental in its renewal. FICOR elevates recreation within the federal land and water management agencies, provides a one-stop-shop for businesses to coordinate on management policies that will provide the public with better recreation opportunities, and helps with collaboration across agencies to address the big challenges and opportunities facing recreation today and into the future. Since its formation, ORR members have met with agency leadership to discuss how the outdoor industry and FICOR can work together to increase access, modernize infrastructure, prepare for future technologies, and help traditionally underserved communities’ access public lands and waters and the benefits of getting outside. ORR has developed several “Big Ideas” for FICOR centered around modernizing visitation data, next generation technologies, funding, and the health benefits of recreation. These “Big Ideas” will help FICOR identify challenges and opportunities they can only solve by crossing agency silos, and that each agency wouldn’t be able to tackle on their own.
Outdoor Recreation Roundtable promotes the growth of the outdoor recreation economy and outdoor recreation activities. We educate decision makers and the public on balanced policies that conserve public lands and waterways and enhance infrastructure to improve the experience and quality of life of outdoor enthusiasts everywhere.