Since 2013, 24 states across the country have established offices of outdoor recreation.
25 in 2025 is a challenge to states to create the 25th office of outdoor recreation in the calendar year (and ideally many more).
Additionally, the campaign will highlight the accomplishments and importance of existing offices of outdoor recreation with new resources and research and culminate in an in-person convening this fall to celebrate the 25th state.
The first state office of outdoor recreation was created by Utah Governor Gary Herbert in 2013, recognizing the critical role of outdoor recreation to Utah’s identity, economic competitiveness, and community health. Since that time, nearly half the country has created these offices through executive action or legislation, placing offices or divisions in various agencies to catalyze new growth in their states’ outdoor recreation economies and access for all.
Creating these offices doesn’t have to mean growing government—Tennessee created an office of 23 last year without any additional cost to the taxpayer.

Confluence of States
Launched in 2018 by a bipartisan group of eight trailblazing states, the Confluence of States was established in recognition of the impact and importance of the outdoor recreation industry and to provide a central point of contact for outdoor businesses, communities and individual constituents that rely on the continued health of our nation’s outdoor recreation industry.
Now at 20 members strong, the Confluence of States promotes and advances five pillars and 15 common principles of the Outdoor Recreation Industry Confluence Accords which represent a best practice for all states to consider.

What is an Office of Outdoor Recreation?
While other agencies may focus exclusively on natural resource or recreation management, tourism promotion, public health, or economic development, no other state-level office is built with the mandate and expertise to partner with this fast-growing $1.2 trillion industry and coordinate across outdoor recreation programs and partnerships to expand the benefits of outdoor recreation and enhance state competitiveness.
Offices of Outdoor Recreation provide a centralized and dedicated home to coordinate efforts across agencies, identify new opportunities for economic growth, connect all communities to the benefits of time outside, and promote responsible recreation in a state’s most treasured places.
Campaign Supporters
Alaska Outdoor Alliance
Arkansas Office of Outdoor Recreation
American Bus Association
American Hiking Society
American Horse Council
American Mountain Guides Association
American Prairie
American Sportfishing Association
Angler Action Foundation
Archery Trade Association
Arizona Office of Outdoor Recreation
Arizona Trail Association
Association of Marina Industries
Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education
BoatU.S. Foundation
CHM Government Services Colorado
Colorado Outdoor Recreation Industry Office
Diving Equipment & Marketing Association
Eddyline Kayaks
The Great Outdoors Fund
International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association
Maine Office of Outdoor Recreation
Maine Outdoor Brands
Marine Retailers Association of the Americas
Maryland Office of Outdoor Recreation
Massachusetts Office of Outdoor Recreation
Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Industry Partnership
Motorcycle Industry Council
National Forest Recreation Association
National Marine Manufacturers Association
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation
National Park Hospitality Association
National RV Dealers Association
National Ski Areas Association
National Wild Turkey Federation
New Hampshire Office of Outdoor Recreation Industry Development
North Dakota Office of Outdoor Recreation
Oregon Outdoor Alliance
Outdoor Hospitality Industry
Outdoor Industry Association
Outdoor Writers Association of America
Professional Trailbuilders Association
Rails to Trails Conservancy
Recreation Vehicle Dealers Association
Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation
River City Outdoors
RV Dealers Association
RV Industry Association
Snowsports Industries America
Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals
Specialty Equipment Market Association
Sports & Fitness Industry Association
Terrain Magazine
The Corps Network
Travel Nevada
Trust for Public Land
Tyler Technologies
University of New Hampshire Department of Recreation Management & Policy
University of Wyoming Jay Kemmerer Worth Institute
VF Corporation
Virginia Horse Council
Water Sports Industry Association
Wyoming Outdoor Recreation Business Alliance